Monday, December 15, 2014

At the End

The end of today's reading makes me excited for the next book. What will the Night's Watch do to fight against the Others? Will Drogon be tamed? Is Aegon a Targaryen or a Blackfyre and will he succeed in taking the Iron Throne? Jon Stark, or Jon Targaryen? What main character will get their head chopped off next(my moneys on Cersei)? Only time will tell.......


Reek could hear no more. "Please, m'lord, m'lady, there's been some mistake." He fell to his knees, trembling like a leaf in a winter storm, tears streaming down his ravaged cheeks. "I'm not him, I'm not the turncloak, he died at Winterfell. My name is Reek." He had to remember his name. "It rhymes with freak."
How the mighty have fallen, Theon Greyjoy was taken captive by Ramsay Bolton, formerly Ramsay Snow, and Theon was tortured until his breaking point. Ramsay had even removed Theon's genitals just because he could. Ramsay gave him the name Reek, and told him to only go by that name. Once I hated Theon, he turned on the North and turned Winterfell into ruins, but once I read this passage I couldn't help but feel sad, Theon has been abandoned by everyone around him, I wish they would kill him already for the sake of mercy.
Theon Greyjoy, now turned into Reek, a broken servant

Winds of Winter is Coming...

I suspect that in the upcoming Winds of Winter that we will learn what promise Eddard made to his sister during the rebellion. There are only two who know what promise that was, Eddard, who is dead, and Howland Reed, head of House Reed and one of Eddard's closest friends. During the rebellion Eddard, Howland, and other rebels sacked the Tower of Joy to rescue Lyanna, and only Eddard and Howland survived. My guess is that he will have his own chapter in the book, recounting the day the promise was made, and I say it will prove the R+L=J theory. This theory is that Rhaegar plus Lyanna equals Jon Snow and has strong evidence to back it up, such as Jon having more Targaryen features while his half-siblings have Tully features.I, along with many other readers, agree with this theory and honestly hope that it is true, making a good character that more interesting.

Sh0ckMasteR as....

Jon Snow, I would say I would be Jon Snow. Why would I want to be the Black Bastard of the North(unless the R+L=J theory is true)? Simply put, I want to help defeat the Others, and slaying each with Longclaw until my glorious duel with the Great Other, in which we fight to the death to determine if the fate of Westeros awaits in the Long Night. But all I know is that Winter is Coming.
Jon Snow, 998th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch

Thursday, December 11, 2014


30 days and 30 nights, a sword was forged to bring light to the world, and the sword was shattered. 50 days and 50 nights, a sword was forged to bring light to the world, and the sword was shattered. 100 days and 100 nights, a sword was forged to bring light to the world, and the sword burned bright. Lightbringer is the sword forged by Azor Ahai to defeat the army of the Great Other, the god of darkness, cold, and death. A thousand years later, the Others return to bring darkness to the world, but the world was already dark. Westeros is in turmoil, war erupts, the dragons return, and families of great houses are destroyed. Azor Ahai reborn is here, but no-one knows who, but once revealed, the wielder of the blade will unite a world torn by broken trust, and trust will once again bring light to a dark world.

A Dance with Dragons Questions

Through my reading of the entire A Song of Ice and Fire series, there are a few questions I still have:

Who is Azor Ahai reborn?
It is believed that Stannis Baratheon is Azor Ahai reborn, his sword Lightbringer, Melisandre's claim, and Stannis's dragon blood are his only claims.

Daenerys Targaryen is also a likely possibility. She is of the dragon blood, and is unscathed by fire; Aemon Targaryen believes her to be Azor Ahai reborn, as a dragon has no gender.

Jon Snow is my personal most likely contender. Melisandre has only seen him in her fires, Jon has a dream where he fights the White Walkers with a burning red sword in his hand. There is a theory that Jon is actually the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, and Eddard made a promise to Lyanna that he would raise the boy as his own, this would mean he would have the dragon blood within him. Jon chose his duty to the Night's Watch over his love for Ygritte. He indirectly caused her death by warning Castle Black of the incoming wildling raid. Similar to Azor Ahai sacrificing  Nissa to complete Lightbringer, thus I believe Jon to be Azor Ahai reborn.

Victarion Greyjoy is another possibility. Although he is not of the dragon blood, a ritual was performed at sea, which provided the salt and the smoke. He also beat his previous wife to death, which is a connection to Nissa Nissa.
Azor Ahai completing Lighbringer by sacrificing Nissa Nissa.

What is "Griff's Motivation?
Griff's identity is actually Jon Connington, a personal friend of Rhaegar Targaryen, who is believed to gave drank himself to death. Instead he has raised Rhaegar's surviving son Aegon so he could one day take the Iron Throne, but why is Jon doing this? It was implied that Jon actually fell in love with Rhaegar, as Jon often refers to Rhaegar as his "silver prince," this is strengthened by his disdain for Elia Martell, Rhaegar's wife. It is stated that Griff has failed the father, but he will not fail the son, but I believe there is something more going on, but I don't know what.

How did Maegor the Cruel die?
Although this is before the book's time, one question I often wonder is how Maegor I Targaryen died. Maegor was the son of Aegon the Conqueror by Visenya and was the third Targaryen king to sit on the Iron Throne. He was one of the greater Targaryen warriors, he was even larger than his father at a young age, but his rule was not peaceful. He had many polygamous marriages, and sired many still-born monsters, and he often executed those who defied him. After rebellion started and many of his supporters left him, he was left a broken man. He was left alone to brood on the Iron Throne, but the next morning they found him dead with his wrists slit. Some say he was killed by one of his kingsguard, most say the Throne itself killed him, as the throne is made of swords. It is most likely that he had killed himself by slitting his own wrists on the blades of the throne and left himself to bleed out, but it is still unknown how he was killed.
Maegor I Targaryen, third King of Westeros, often called "Maegor the Cruel."

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Savage Messiah explains A Dance with Dragons

1. Insurrection Rising:
Never mind the black horizon
Never mind the approaching storm
No regard for losing pace
No sympathy this time

Unmitigated fury
Vindication as the insurrection rise

  • The black horizon describes the Drogon, the black dragon that blocks out the sky. The approaching storm refers to the ironborn capturing the north. No regard for losing pace refers to Daenerys Targaryen staying in Meereen. Fight, unite, unmigated fury refers to the rebellion against House Baratheon whose saying is Ours is the Fury.
2. Corruption X:
You swear your life upon the cross
False idols, you would believe
Defiler of the truth
Come forth to me

  • This entire verse refers to how many use the gods for their own personal gain.
3. In Absence Of Liberty:
A world held hostage to its god
Ever searching for reprieve
Expendable to the machine
Trapped completely cannot leave

  • This verse explains that once in the game of thrones, you cannot quit the game.
4. The Serpent Tongue of Divinity:
 Wrath and perdition directed by wisdom
Now forced to your knees to reap basic needs
What’s right or wrong? It’s just a vision
Mankind created just like your prison cell

  • I believe this refers to Stannis Baratheon believing himself to be Azor Ahai reborn.
5. Vigil of the Navigator:
 To see the damned returning and face the disconcerting
Reveals within
The key to self-destruction born out of blind instruction
Distorting true

  • This refers to the White Walker hordes fighting against the Night's Watch.
6. Enemy Image (Dehumanization):
 Masters of elimination
Killers of control
They’re bred in violence
Death in their soul and with its instigation
Propaganda’s heart
Strength born from severance
Now fear dehumanize

  • The Unsullied soldiers are perfectly explained in this verse, they are the best soldiers in all of the world.
7. Silent Empire:
To build a silent empire
Mired by disgrace
The vacant shadows raise your throne
To mitigate your soul

They scream my name over again
They are invisible and ingrained

  • This describes the burden of Daenerys building her own army and gaining the trust of the people of Meereen.
8. The Nihilist Machine:
Rising through the land of the blind
To serve the one-eyed king
Subordination of your subconsciousness
Enslaved by culture and pursuit of success

Wreathed in sadness soulless prevail
Wisdom conceived in lies

  • If one is not loyal to the king Baratheon, even if he speaks falsely, they will be punished.
9. He who Laughs Last:
Into eternity fall
Obscured delusion contorts

Forsaking final agony
To remove total disparity

Into new seclusion
Born out of resurrection
To smote my only enemy
And so he who laughs last
Becomes the vindicated
Eradicates the fallacy

  • War never ends in their world, The Stranger is the only one laughing.
10. Zero Hour:
The day has come, The lies are gone
The weakness cries, The sky undone
And all abound, To which lay waste
As reasons lost and in their place

Memories are tainted
The lines that crack the sky
The march to depravation
Assuring no one with their

Words of solace
Cast to the fire
All is lost
With words untrue
They wait in line for the

ZERO HOUR - They wait in line for the
ZERO HOUR - They wait in line for the

  • I believe this explains that all the conflicts in the story will bring the world to an end, no more lies, dragons tear the sky apart, armies slaying each other, and the coming of Azor Ahai reborn(which I believe to be Jon Snow.)


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Obama takes on the United Nations(Game of Thrones style)

(This is in no way real, I am creating a news article that relates to the conflict of the novel A Dance with Dragons.Also I have nothing against Obama, this was just for fun.)

Obamacare was finally approved. We discover Obama doesn't care.

 Obama knows that he can't run a third term, so he decides to take over the world instead. He believes he is the son of God and conservatives and others dismiss this claim by saying he is black. Many leaders of the world have been killed by treachery and deceit, all in the name of House Obama. Joe Biden has escaped from captivity and is actively being hunted, he is likely using an alias. Across the sea, the monarchy of Britain seeks to reclaim their thirteen colonies and expand upon them. They run a P.M.C. that is highly organized and loyal, called the 41st Legion of Shock-troopers, they will stop at nothing to achieve victory.
In the north, armies have been slain by the thousands and small villages have been slaughtered. Recently there was attack on the waters of the Hudson, it became known as the "Battle of Hudson Bay."
Our world is in chaos and we may never recover from all this tragedy, but we can all hope for a brighter future moving forward.
                                                                                                         - Nate Sh0ckMasteR Jackson

Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Witcher: The Lesser Evil


The Last Wish has multiple chapters entitled the lesser evil, which I believe is the most important message to take from the novel. It is also clearly stated by Geralt and a character named Renfri:
"Geralt," she said, "did Stregobor ask you to kill me?"
"Yes. He believed it was the lesser evil."
"Can I believe you refused him, as you have me?"
"You can."
"Because I don't believe in a lesser evil."
"You don't believe in it, you say. Well your right, in a way. Only Evil and Greater Evil exist and beyond them, in the shadows, lurks True Evil. True Evil, Geralt, is something you can barely imagine, even if you believe nothing can still surprise you. And sometimes True Evil seizes you by the throat and demands that you choose between it and another, slightly lesser, Evil."
"What's your goal here, Renfri?"
"Nothing. I've had a bit to drink and I'm philosophizing. I'm looking for general truths. And I've found one: lesser evils exist, but we can't choose them. Only True Evil can force us to such a choice. Whether we like it or not."

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Witcher

The Witcher, Geralt of Rivia: Geralt is known also as Gwynbleidd (Elder Speech meaning "The White Wolf", a name which was given to him by the dryads), as well as the Butcher of Blaviken.

The Last Wish: Introducing the Witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski and translated by Danusia Stok is a story about a monster slayer who travels to different realms(kingdoms) in search of work.
If I suggested this to a friend, I would summarize the plot as follows:
  • Geralt of Rivia is the protagonist. He is a mutant who underwent rigorous training as a child and eventually graduated form the Wolf School of the Witchers at the fortress of Kaer Morhen, in the realm of Kaedwen.
  • A witcher is a mutant that slays monsters such as strigas, nekkers, drowners, nercophages, bullvores, trolls, arachas, endregas, wraiths, bruxas, and specters. Witchers do not slay dragons, but will if they must.
  • There are four known schools of witchers: The Cat School, The Wolf School, The Viper School, and the Griffin(or Gryphon) School.
  • The world is made up of many realms such as Temeria, Redania, Aedirn, Kaedwen, and the empire of Nilfgaard.
  • The chapters in the novel consist of themes that Geralt will learn and grow to understand their meaning. The Lesser Evil and the Voice of Reason are the prominent themes.
  • It is a very mature read, but the read is well worth it.
The book thus far is amazing, it shows Geralt Roger Eric de Haute Bellegarde, I mean Geralt of Rivia, in all of his glory. Transitioning from the game to the book was not complicated at all, the game portrays Geralt much like he was in the book, and that is what is great about the series.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Assassin's Creed: Why would I even?

Something I quickly want to mention, it would not be good if I was a relative of Ezio Auditore. Nathan Auditore da Firenze doesn't have a ring to it, also Ezio would most likely beat the living hell out of me. I also can't stand those who abuse their authority, and during this time that was commonplace. Also the music would suck, Metal didn't exist, that means no Disturbed, no MetallicA, no Judas Priest, no Pantera, no nothing. The clothes would be too fancy for my tastes and there would be nothing to do, no activities that don't have me working. Lastly, Giovanni Auditore(father), Federico(brother), and Petruccio(brother) were all executed for treason against the city, and chances are I would be with them. I think I'll stick with my heavy metal and no noose around my neck thank you very much.
I think this is what I would look like, because reasons.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Assassin's Creed: Perception of a Master

The Prophet: Ezio Auditore da Firenze
Assassin's Creed: Renaissance is the chronological sequel to Assassin's Creed: The Secret Crusade and follows Ezio Auditore, a young Italian nobleman who seeks vengeance against those who ordered the execution of his father and brothers. Being trained by his uncle Mario and fellow Assassins, his journey will take him from the catacombs of Florence to the rooftops of Venice. So begins an epic story of power, revenge, and conspiracy. TRUTH WILL BE WRITTEN IN BLOOD.

As I am reading this book, one thing is apparent to me, the dialogue. For some reason Oliver Bowden has taken great lines of dialogue and changed them; because of this, the character interaction is very dumbed-down.

Lets Compare: Avenged

Assassin's Creed Renaissance: "Yes! What you see is see real! What you see is vengeance! The Auditore family still lives. I am still here! Ezio Auditore!"

Assassin's Creed II: "The Auditore are not dead! I'm still here! Me! Ezio! Ezio Auditore!"

The game's dialogue is superior in every way. The emotion that was in that scene is torn asunder by the "re-mastered" scene that Bowden has written. If Oliver can't copy and paste that dialogue, then he shouldn't be writing the novel series at all.

Also one minor detail; Ezio will obtain a hidden blade on his right arm, as he already had one on his left. It is tradition that Assassins would have there signature hidden blade on the left arm, and in the game Ezio is no exception. Oliver decided that when Ezio had only one hidden blade, he put it on his right arm. This is inconsistent and ruins the experience for me, knowing this tradition is easily broken.

"He shook himself, and in the moment when Vieri poised himself to deliver the fatal blow on his supposedly unarmed opponent, Ezio flexed his right hand, spreading his fingers up and open. Instantaneously, the mechanism of his father's concealed dagger clicked, the blade shooting out from under his fingers, extending to its full and lethal length, the dull metal belying the vicious edge. Vieri's arm was raised. His flank was open. Ezio plunged the dagger into his side-- the blade slipping in without the least resistance."

At the rate this novel is going, I would give this a rating of 2 stars out of 5. Oliver's writing is deprived of all emotion and the inconsistencies are too apparent. The game rates about 4.5 out of 5, because you can appreciate the emotion that is clearly there and the writing is superb.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Assassin's Creed: The Mentor's Legacy

Rashid Din Sinan as a young Assassin
* WARNING: This section will reveal an important plot twist in Assassin's Creed: The Secret Crusade. Turn away now if you do not wish to spoil the story.

The novel and game is set during the Third Crusade, Crusaders versus the Saracens, and follows Altair Ibn-La'Ahad on a redemption quest and afterwards. However, I believe that the story started with a different protagonist, in a different setting. The story should have started with the man who would later become Al Mualim(the Mentor), Rashid Din Sinan. His character is a good foil for Altair, Rashid is old and wise, where as Altair is young, brash, arrogant, and ignorant, however what Rashid needed was more development as a character and can give more context to why he betrayed the Assassin's Creed in order to control the Holy Land.

Altair himself should also show his support of the Assassins, by betraying them as well. What I mean by that is that Altair should take the Apple of Eden for himself and study what it has to show him. The Apple will show him Rashid's betrayal and will allow Altair to do what needs to be done. Though he would be an exile and traitor, he will show the Assassins and the rest of Masyaf  what truly had transpired, and he would be welcomed back with open arms and he himself become... Al Mualim Ibn-La'Ahad.

Altair Ibn-La'Ahad: Mentor of the Assassin Brotherhood

Assassin's Creed: Redemption

With the upcoming Assassin's Creed Unity, will Arno Victor Dorian have some of the best lines spoken by a fictional individual? We'll find out on November 11th.

"Malik... Before I go, there's something I should say."
"Be out with it."
"I've been a fool."
"Normally I'd make no argument, but what is this? What are you talking about?"
"All this time... I never told you I was sorry. Too damned proud. You lost your arm because of me. lost Kadar. You have every right to be angry."
"I do not accept your apology."
"I understand."
"No. You don't. I do not accept your apology, because you are not the same man who went with me into Solomon's Temple. And so you have nothing to apologize for."
"Perhaps if I had not been so envious of you, I would not have been so careless myself. I am just as much to blame."
" Don't say such things."
"We are one. As we share the glory of our victories, so, too, should we share the pain of our defeat. In this way we grow closer. We grow stronger."
"Thank you. Brother."

Malik lost his arm and his brother, Kadar, due to Altair's actions in Solomon's Temple. I find it comforting that Altair has redeemed himself to his brothers by oath. But a grave tragedy will befall the Assassins in time...

Assassin's Creed: Altercation

"When I was very young, I was foolish enough to believe that our Creed would bring an end to all these conflicts. If only I had possessed the humility to say to myself, I have seen enough for one life, I've done my part. Then again, there is no greater glory than fighting to find the truth."
―Altaïr to his son Darim during the Mongol attack on Masyaf, 1257.
The dialogue in Assassin's Creed: The Secret Crusade is some of the best I've ever read(or in my case heard). Chapter twenty-one is by far the most inspiring and revealing dialogue in a novel. The chapter details an encounter with Al Mualim after assassinating Abu'l Nuqoud, the Merchant King of Damas.
"Come, Altair. I would have news of your progress,"
"I've done as you've asked,"
"Good. Good. I sense your thoughts are elsewhere. Speak your mind."
"Each man I'm sent to kill speaks cryptic words to me. Each time I come to you and ask for answers. Each time you give only riddles in exchange. But no more."
"Who are you to say 'no more'?"
"I'm the one who does the killing. If you want it to continue, you'll speak straight with me for once."
"Tread carefully, Altair. I do not like your tone."
"And I do not like your deception."
"I have offered you a chance to restore your lost honor--"
"Not lost, taken. By you. And then you sent me to fetch it again like some damned dog."
"It seems I'll need to find another. A shame. You showed great potential."
" I think if you had another, you'd have sent him long ago. You said the answer to my question would arise when I no longer needed to ask it. So I will not ask. I demand you tell me what binds these men."
With that, Altair got his answer, and his life spared. Altair has evolved over the story; he was arrogant and selfish, now he is wise and will fight for his creed, but not without knowing what he is fighting for, or against.
Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Master Assassin and future Mentor of the Assassin's Brotherhood.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Assassin's Creed: Unholy Land

Assassin's Creed: The Secret Crusade takes place in 1191-January 1, 1258 during the Third Crusades and the Mongol Invasion. We follow Altair Ibn-La' Ahad, the arrogant and young Master Assassin who defies the tenets of the Assassin's Creed and finds himself at the mercy of Rashid ad-Din Sinan, or Al Mualim, the Mentor of the Brotherhood. Altair's journey takes him to the streets of Damascus, the rooftops of Acre, and the holy city of Jerusalem. The setting is placed during a time of death and destruction, and the Assassins are the pinnacle of the death and chaos during this time period. Innocents are murdered left and right, Muslims being slaughtered for simply what the believe in, and the Christian army pressing the attack against the Muslims. All sides are at fault, but there are heroes and villains on both sides of the conflict.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Templar's Order:Knight's Flag

If Edward Kenway had cooperated with the Templars on the hunt for the Observatory, he would likely become a Templar privateer instead of being the pirate trained by Assassins. This would mean the Assassins of the West-Indies would be eradicated and the Templars one step closer to their new world. Kenway probably would've been the one who killed Blackbeard and ordered the execution of his former pirate comrades. It raises other questions: would Edward have lived past 42? Would his son Haytham still become Templar Grandmaster? Would Ratonhnhke:ton still become an Assassin and destroy the Templar colonial rite? Alas it doesn't really matter in the end.

Assassin-Templar War: The Knights Templar

"Even when your kind appears to triumph ... Still we rise again. And do you know why? It is because the Order is born of a realization. We require no creed. No indoctrination by desperate old men. All we need is that the world be as it is. And this is why the Templars will never be destroyed."
―Haytham Kenway, regarding the nature of the Templar Order, 1781.
According to the Assassin's Creed Wiki:
The Templar Order, also known as the Order of the Knights Templar, is a monastic military order-turned-corporate giant, which was formed during the prehistoric era. The Templars seek to create a perfect world, although their interpretation thereof - emphasizing purpose, order and control, over the freedom of individuals - directly contrasts the ideals of their sworn enemies, the Assassin Order.
Because of this difference in ideology, the Templars became involved in a covert war against the Assassins, spanning millennia and continuing into the modern era.
"Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed Nomini Tuo da Gloriam"
"(Not to us God, not to us, but to Your Name Give Glory)"
―The motto of the monastic Templar Order.
In 1937, the Templars founded Abstergo Industries, a secret company aiming to control capitalists and workers and neutralize communism. The Templars, who had previously created the capitalistic economic system as a façade for their activities, hoped to control the people through owning corporations, as opposed to having people own the companies. The company would go on to control many corporations and organizations around the world, including the Ford Motor Company, NASA, the CIA, the US Federal Reserve, Kraft, Coca-Cola, and BP.

Assassin-Templar War: The Assassin's Creed

"We work in the dark, to serve the light. We are Assassins."
―Niccolò Machiavelli.
According to the Assassin's Creed Wiki: The Assassin Order, also known as the Assassin Brotherhood, Liberalis Circulum (Circle of Liberals) during the time of the Roman Empire, or Hashshashin during the Middle Ages, was an organized order of assassins and sworn enemies of the Templars, against whom they fought a continuous, recondite war throughout the entirety of recorded human history. Whereas the Templars sought to save humanity from itself by controlling free will, the Assassin Order fought to ensure the survival of freedom, as it allowed for the progression of new ideas and the growth of individuality.
The Assassins, if not the Order itself, have existed since at least 456 BCE, throughout the Roman Empire, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution and into the Modern era.
"Laa shay'a waqi'un mutlaq bale kouloun moumkin.
("Nothing is true, everything is permitted" in Arabic.)"
―The Assassins' Creed.
The Order believes in a strong set of values that strictly govern their way of life, referred to as "the Creed". This Creed consists of three tenets:
  1. "Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent."
  2. "Hide in plain sight, be one with the crowd."
  3. "Never compromise the Brotherhood."
These tenets permeated every aspect of the Assassins' daily life, as well as their fight for "peace in all things". The Assassins carry out their duties through political, strategic assassination, in the hope that killing one individual will lead to the salvation of thousands. They also believe that they fight on the behalf of those who do not possess the abilities, resources, or knowledge to speak out against those who abuse their power.

Assassin-Templar War

The Assassin–Templar War was a covert war of devastating proportions between the Assassin Order and their enemies, the Templars.Said to have started with the killing of Abel by his brother Cain, the "first Templar", for his Apple of Eden; the Assassin-Templar War was fought in shadows of history. The conflict was largely fought by proxy through the manipulation of governments and organizations in order to achieve each Order's various aims. It was rare for the conflict to ever become particularly conspicuous, although there were occasions, such as the Third Crusade, where the Assassins and Templars openly fought alongside those they were manipulating.
The Assassin, Adewale versus the Templar, Shay Patrick Cormac during the Seven Years War.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Assassin's Creed Black Flag: Evolved Origin

Edward Kenway's origin is not one I appreciate(given the fact that I've been told that I don't appreciate anything). In the game and the novel, Edward knows not of the Assassins or Templars, their ideologies, or their motivations. He was simply naive of the conflict he was embroiled in, I would have taken a different approach. To start with, I would have had him be an Assassin from the beginning, simply because it would be a nice twist to see and would provide an interesting transition from Assassin to Templar. Although he becomes a pirate, which I don't mind and is perfect, this change will ensure that he is a renegade or rebel of the crown, the Assassins, and the Knight's Templar, which fits his pirate trained by Assassins theme. Ultimately, the story becomes a redemption story, a man was greedy, and in the end, he found something to live for, something real, something beyond himself.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Edward James Kenway: Devil of the West-Indies

Edward James Kenway (1693 – 1735) was a Welsh-born British privateer-turned-pirate and a member of the Assassin Order. Edward joined the British Royal Navy early in his life and, once accepted, found himself stationed in the West Indies. However, a quick end to the war and the promise of gold, glory and fame eventually seduced him into a life of piracy; it was during this quest that Edward first encountered the Assassin and Templar Orders, and became embroiled in their struggle. The novel, Assassin's Creed Black Flag by Oliver Bowden, portrays this character much like the video game itself. He is brash and clearly shows that, but as the story progresses, he becomes a man of virtue; he clearly exclaims that he never wanted a pirate's life, and that he wanted to earn a honest living to provide for his wife, Caroline Scott. Eventually the thrill of plundering man-of-war ships and royal convoys gets to his head, and the captain of the Jackdaw becomes the most feared pirate in the West Indies. His prowess and finesse is extraordinary, but his strength is on par with Ezio Auditore da Firenze. His grandson, Connor Kenway, is by far the strongest of the Assassins, however don't undermine Edward's abilities, for the next thing you'll know your throat will be slit, and your riches gone.