Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Obama takes on the United Nations(Game of Thrones style)

(This is in no way real, I am creating a news article that relates to the conflict of the novel A Dance with Dragons.Also I have nothing against Obama, this was just for fun.)

Obamacare was finally approved. We discover Obama doesn't care.

 Obama knows that he can't run a third term, so he decides to take over the world instead. He believes he is the son of God and conservatives and others dismiss this claim by saying he is black. Many leaders of the world have been killed by treachery and deceit, all in the name of House Obama. Joe Biden has escaped from captivity and is actively being hunted, he is likely using an alias. Across the sea, the monarchy of Britain seeks to reclaim their thirteen colonies and expand upon them. They run a P.M.C. that is highly organized and loyal, called the 41st Legion of Shock-troopers, they will stop at nothing to achieve victory.
In the north, armies have been slain by the thousands and small villages have been slaughtered. Recently there was attack on the waters of the Hudson, it became known as the "Battle of Hudson Bay."
Our world is in chaos and we may never recover from all this tragedy, but we can all hope for a brighter future moving forward.
                                                                                                         - Nate Sh0ckMasteR Jackson

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