Monday, October 13, 2014

Assassin's Creed: Why would I even?

Something I quickly want to mention, it would not be good if I was a relative of Ezio Auditore. Nathan Auditore da Firenze doesn't have a ring to it, also Ezio would most likely beat the living hell out of me. I also can't stand those who abuse their authority, and during this time that was commonplace. Also the music would suck, Metal didn't exist, that means no Disturbed, no MetallicA, no Judas Priest, no Pantera, no nothing. The clothes would be too fancy for my tastes and there would be nothing to do, no activities that don't have me working. Lastly, Giovanni Auditore(father), Federico(brother), and Petruccio(brother) were all executed for treason against the city, and chances are I would be with them. I think I'll stick with my heavy metal and no noose around my neck thank you very much.
I think this is what I would look like, because reasons.

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