Monday, December 15, 2014

Winds of Winter is Coming...

I suspect that in the upcoming Winds of Winter that we will learn what promise Eddard made to his sister during the rebellion. There are only two who know what promise that was, Eddard, who is dead, and Howland Reed, head of House Reed and one of Eddard's closest friends. During the rebellion Eddard, Howland, and other rebels sacked the Tower of Joy to rescue Lyanna, and only Eddard and Howland survived. My guess is that he will have his own chapter in the book, recounting the day the promise was made, and I say it will prove the R+L=J theory. This theory is that Rhaegar plus Lyanna equals Jon Snow and has strong evidence to back it up, such as Jon having more Targaryen features while his half-siblings have Tully features.I, along with many other readers, agree with this theory and honestly hope that it is true, making a good character that more interesting.

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