Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Witcher: The Lesser Evil


The Last Wish has multiple chapters entitled the lesser evil, which I believe is the most important message to take from the novel. It is also clearly stated by Geralt and a character named Renfri:
"Geralt," she said, "did Stregobor ask you to kill me?"
"Yes. He believed it was the lesser evil."
"Can I believe you refused him, as you have me?"
"You can."
"Because I don't believe in a lesser evil."
"You don't believe in it, you say. Well your right, in a way. Only Evil and Greater Evil exist and beyond them, in the shadows, lurks True Evil. True Evil, Geralt, is something you can barely imagine, even if you believe nothing can still surprise you. And sometimes True Evil seizes you by the throat and demands that you choose between it and another, slightly lesser, Evil."
"What's your goal here, Renfri?"
"Nothing. I've had a bit to drink and I'm philosophizing. I'm looking for general truths. And I've found one: lesser evils exist, but we can't choose them. Only True Evil can force us to such a choice. Whether we like it or not."

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